Ég er nýlent frá Köben og er strax búin að taka upp úr töskunni til að pakka í aðra. Á morgun fer ég í smá frí í sólina og get ekki beðið. Í gær fórum við á annan fund með Carhartt WIP og svo með Wood Wood. Ó lord hvað það var margt fallegt þar.

Outfit gærdagsins:

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Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

Úlpa: The North Face af Aroni litla bróður
Hettupeysa: Weekday
Buxur: Norse Projects, mínar allra uppáhalds!
Skór: Adidas Ultraboost

Just came home from Copenhagen and I’ve already unpacked and packed again since tomorrow I’m leaving for a little vacation, simply can’t wait! In Copenhagen we met up with three brands; Carhartt WIP, Wood Wood and Mads Norgaard to see their AW17 collections. All collections looked really promising and exciting! I’ll show you some more soon.

Yesterday’s outfit:

Jacket: The North Face
Hoodie: Weekday
Jeans: Norse Projects, all time favorites!
Shoes: Adidas Ultraboost

Andrea Röfn


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