Það eru eflaust margir sem að bíða spenntir eftir desemberhefti Interview(þýska og rússneska) að þessu sinni. Stórstjörnurnar Naomi Campbell og Kate Moss gera þar endurkomu saman á myndum eftir langt hlé. Myndirnar eru svarthvítar og teknar af Mert Alas og Marcus Piggott. Patti Wilson sá um stíliseringu.

Auk þess að sitja fyrir tóku þær viðtal við hvor aðra. Ég hafði gaman að því.
Hér er smá brotabrot:

KATE: I read that you made your first public appearance in a Bob Marley video.

NAOMI: Yeah. I was 7, I think. He was such a handsome man. I remember I started crying when I saw his dreadlocks because I thought they were worms. But he was really, really gentle.

KATE (on ethnic prejudice in the modeling world): When I first got to New York, I was like: “What are they talking about?”. I couldn’t tell, you know. It was really weird and also I think growing up in South London, it’s so mixed race.

NAOMI: Exactly, we just know our area and how we were raised, so it was a big eye opener to me.

KATE: Did it feel like a battle you were fighting? And are you still fighting for equality in fashion?

NAOMI: It felt… I can’t say that the word battle is the right word but it definitely felt like it was an uphill struggle for something. I felt like I had to do what I had to do for my race and to keep awareness out there.



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