Vonandi missti enginn af Andreu Röfn í Oslo þegar hún skoðaði STUDIO línu H&M í beinni á Trendnet story og á blogginu: HÉR. Ég hef alltaf haldið uppá þessa fatalínu frá sænska móðurskipinu en línan kemur út einu sinni á ári og er innblásin úr ólíkum áttum hverju sinni. Í ár var það sjónvarpsserían Twin Peaks sem veitti hönnunarteyminu innblástur en línan samanstendur af  draumkenndum, dömulegum flíkum og stíl sem fenginn er að láni frá klassískri herratísku – eitthvað að mínu skapi !

„Í H&M Studio elskum við að blanda saman hinu kvenlæga og karllæga og í ár höfum við bætt við áhrifum frá fjórða áratuginum – við sjáum afar kvenleg form sem er blandað saman við þekkta stíla úr klassískri herratísku sem gefur notandanum færi til að skapa sitt eigið útlit” segir Pernilla Wohlfahrt, stjórnandi hönnunardeildar hjá H&M.”


Ég fékk það skemmtilega verkefni á dögunum að fá að taka viðtal við þær Pernilla Wohlfart, listrænn stjórnandi hjá H&M og yfirhönnuður Studio línunnar, og Angelica  Grimsborg, sem er yfir conceptinu. Ég fékk 3 spurningar á hvora og reyndi eftir bestu getu að koma með nokkuð óeðlilegar spurningar, semsagt ekki þessar sem allir spyrja. Þær gefa áhugaverð svör en töluðu þó aðeins í kringum það sem ég var að reyna að fá fram.

Það vekur áhuga minn og passar við minn stíl að markmið þeirra er að skapa tímalaus item í fataskápinn. Gæði og ending er einnig lykilatriði í Studio línunni og framleiðslulínur valdar eftir því. Skórnir vöktu einnig mikinn áhuga og gaman að heyra þessa vísun í Marlyn Monroe og James Dean, en þau verða líklega tísku fyrirmyndir um ókomna tíma.

Viðtalið er á ensku og þið getið lesið það að neðan.


I was lucky to be able to interview Pernilla Wohlfahrt, creative director at H&M an head of design for the Studio line, and Angelica Grimborg, concept director. I asked them about the new Studio line that just hit the stores. I tried to ask some unusual questions and got some interesting answers although I didn’t get everything I wanted.

You can read the interview below.


Questions for Pernilla Wohlfart, Design Director

1. If you could choose only one favorite item from the collection – which one would it be and why?

It’s difficult to choose but I think it would have to be the neck-tie blouses. They’re so elegant and versatile, I can see them becoming a wardrobe favourite.


2. Is the Studio collection from the same production lines as other products from H&M or do you go other ways when manufacturing the items?

H&M Studio has a dedicated design team and comprises a fashion hit for our customers. When designing H&M Studio, quality is always a priority, and we spend a lot of time sourcing interesting fabrics with high quality for our customers. Most of the collection has been produced in Europe and Asia. For example, most of our tailored pieces are produced in Rumania and the knitwear in China.

3. Can you compare the Studio line to another fashion brand (not from the H&M family)? Here I am thinking about fashion and quality.

We don’t like to make direct comparisons between ourselves and other brands but I can say that everything at H&M Studio is designed to be timeless. We aim to provide customers with a wealth of wardrobe options to enhance their personal style, as well as to create timeless items that won’t feel outdated in three seasons’ time.

Questions for Angelica Grimsborg, Concept Designer

4. In your opinion, which 3 influencers (actress, singer, blogger or other) would totally fit into the AW18 Studio collection?

We don’t design the H&M Studio with celebrities or influencers in mind, although it’s always great when someone wears the clothes and looks totally effortless. My greatest pleasure is always in seeing people on the street, our regular customers, who have come into the store to pick something up and incorporated it into their personal look. Individuality is key.

5. The shoes (!) Where did the inspiration come from for those?

I love the square-toed shiny leather boots – they’re such a game-changing piece that will make your look feel instantly contemporary. We were looking at pictures of movie icons from the 1950s, including Marilyn Monroe and James Dean, and the latter certainly inspired the boots.

6. Why did you choose the show Twin Peaks?

The team all happened to be watching and feeling inspired by David Lynch’s original series of Twin Peaks, which is set in the late Eighties, early Nineties, but has a nostalgic Fifties aesthetic. We then started looking at Fifties movie icons and thought it would be fun to do a contemporary take on a Fifties look – from the precision mid-century silhouettes to the more rustic leather jackets and indigo jeans. 

Þetta eru mínar uppáhalds flíkur í línunni, sem kemur í takmörkuðu upplagi og aðeins í útvöldum verslunum, þar á meðal í Smáralind/ÍSLAND.


Happy shopping!


Elísabet Gunnars á Facebook – HÉR

Trendnet á Facebook – HÉR


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