It is now time to face the music and be honest to myself and you readers at Trendnet that I haven’t been as active as I wished to be. Now I need to place more of my focus on my family, myself and our business. Therefore I have decided to call it quits as a Trendnet blogger.
It has been some really good years and I’m happy to have shared some of my adventures with you. Thanks to everyone who took the time to read my thoughts and look at my photos ❤
You can always continue to follow me on instagram – Lahle where I will still share moments of my life.
I will continue to read all the great blogs here on Trendnet and I’m really excited about the fantastic new people that are starting to blog here. But this is where my wonderful Trendnet journey ends.

It is this time of the year again – Fashion Week.
I am on the way home from Köpen, been buy-in for Petit and looking at the trends for Autumn/Winter 2018.

The beautiful new limited addition bed in natural pine wood will be avalible in Petit soon ✴

Meet with one of mine design idol’s – Shirley Bredahl.

Sneak peak of next Autumns cutest fur booties from Donsje.

The color trends are so beautiful for next Autumn, lots of dimmed colors mixed with natural brick and sand.

I wish these winter boots came in my size.

Every night the “Icelandic crew” meet up for dinner and drinks and it was so fun to meet up and laugh after long days and lots of impressions.
Until next time..
Holly mac.. I feel like someone just stole a year from me ? Weren’t they just born?!

What a weekend it’s been!
4 flights in 4days, 24hours with all of my best friends, bussines meeting, culture chock and I managed to completely forget about poop diapers.
On Friday I flew to Sthlm and had a meeting, but that was really not the reason for my weekend in Sthlm I just had spare time and decited to maximize my time while I was in town. The big event is that we are a group of old friend’s that are kidnapping my best friend Bella that is soon to be bride and we decited to completely take her out of town and fly from Sthlm ✈ Warsaw/Poland.
Saturday morning at 7.30 three of us surprised Bella in her home then we took a car to sthlm skavsta airport where the rest of the group where and surprised her again and then we flew to Poland.
In Warsawa/ Poland we had two big apartments and tons of activities planned. I haven’t laughed so hard in a long long time, it is something about being with your best friends where everything is just so freaking funny. Even do some of us haven’t seen each other in years when we meet things are just the same, just as silly and goffy as always. I really miss my friends all the time, honestly sometimes more than I miss my family. Living in Iceland is wonderful but I still haven’t got any deep level friends like my childhood friends. I think it’s harder to get deep connection friendships later in life and maybe bc I just don’t have enough time to spend on getting to know people on a deeper level like I used to. Now I have three kids and a bussines, for me that goes before everything else and it is all extremely time consuming.
Today (Monday) I really feel like I deserve after this weekend ? and now I miss my kids like crazy and my bed.

I was in the mood for something different and new. Not only did I play around with color combinations on my nails I also decited to go dark brunette ? Been blond or dirty blond for so long I felt it was time to try really chocolate dark hair. I am going back to my hairdresser on Friday to add one gold brown tone so it is more movement in my hair and then I think I am really happy with the result. I will keep you posted ?

I thought I was so well prepared for a wedding we where invited to between Christmas and New Years. I had found the perfect dress online and ordered it just so it would arrive in time, the dress did arrive two days before the wedding but I bought the wrong size.. It was way too big. I needed to rethink my outfit, I had a par of plain navy trousers and a black party top so I ran to Zara and bought party earrings and bag to pimp up the plain look into a more weeding/party look ✨ love the earring and the bag I found in Zara.

Christmas can come now, I’ve managed to finish all just in time ?

I wish you and your family an amazing Christmas ?
This years Christmas card from us ?

Hahaha I can’t tell you how much I laughed when I went over all the pitures ? We tried so hard to make our little people sit still and smile ??? It was completely impossible! But I am soo happy with the pictures we got, really shows their personalities and how crazy our kids are.

Þóra think her brother’s are soo cute that she can’t help herself squeezing them ?
This time every year is a crazy rollercoaster and I am just trying to hold on and not fall out. Running a business and having small children is more than enough, on top of that it’s Christmas and everything I want to do to prepare and fix is just not possible. So many people ask me where I find time to do so many things at once and I seriously don’t, I walk around with dirty hair and no make up 90% of December. I am using every little minute of the day to get something done, for our business or my children. Feels like I am complaining but I normally crash on the 24th, I know it’s not a healthy lifestyle but I do love my work and this is the best and hardest time each year ??
Every November I tell myself this year will be different, I will be well prepared and complete all gifts, decorations, card’s etc in good time.. well.. Here I am again, last minute madness ?

And also, I have been useless on blogging because I have prioritized it last and my standards of how I want my post to look is too much work at the moment. So I guess what I’m getting at is that I am sorry for few updates and I will put less pressure on myself and how I want a post to be presented, and just post small things more often instead.
But now I need to contunie to put in new product’s on ??

Three days ago we opened New, Bigger and Better Petit !!
It has been a month of hard work and full renovation. Today I am excused, extremely happy and thankful for all the support and love ?
Almost exactly two ago Petit moved into Suðurlandsbraut, here is the post I wrote then. Now we moved into a four times bigger space than what we had at Suðurlandsbraut. I hope I will be writing a new post in two years about Petit taking the next step, hopefully at that time not in Iceland ;)

The outside of our new store when we received the house and the inside.
First we took the walls down in the middle if the space to make one big open space. Then we redid the old wood floor.

One huge sign on the side of the house.

Our custom designed interior ✨

When I designed them I did not think about the size and how we get them into the store ? We had to take out the door to get them in.

The new floor, white polished.

Then we started to build the rest of our interior. Here is the base for the front desk.

We also added new walls to close of our storage.

The back and storage area.

We also imported steel interior from Thailand.

Then we had a carpenter to custom made windows display.

Light’s beginning installed.

Everything getting in place.

Moving in..

The final big thing was the marble counter top from S Helgasson ?

After days and nights of hard work we where finally ready to open New Petit!

Welcome to Petit in Ármuli 23, open weekdays 10.00-18.00 and Saturdays 11.00-16.00 ?