
– Shake that bump –


Last nights outfit for the yearly KR party. I always have a hard time finding maternity clothes that still has some edge and style, so most of the time I try to find clothing that is not meant as maternity clothing but will fit nicely on the bump anyway ;)

My dress is LibertineLibertine from Hurra Reykjavik and necklace by Jimmy Choo for H&M.



- Twin Prep -

Skrifa Innlegg

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7 Skilaboð

  1. Helena

    4. September 2016

    I love love loooove the Stokke Newborn Set!!! I didn’t have it when I had my older girl but decided to buy one shortly after my younger arrived. I have bought MANY different baby things in my “baby time” and this is definately one of the most used/loved things ever. Loved having my girl at eye level and it’s so comfortable and easy to use. You can use it until they get 6 months old and then it’s best to start using the chair (it’s also better feeding them while sitting). I bought mine “new” but I would absolutely look for them on Blocket if I needed to buy two of them. I also bought a reversible cover, which worked great. You look stunning by the way! Puss&kram från Stockholm. xxxHelenaxxx

    • Linnea

      4. September 2016

      Tack fina <3

    • Linnea

      7. September 2016

      Thank you luv 💕

  2. Alda

    24. September 2016

    you look absolutely beautiful and stunning :)

    • Linnea

      25. September 2016

      Thank you Alda that really warms my heart 💕