Our Nursery Corner


Trying to be ready for our boy’s arrival at this point they can choose to come any day.. I hope they stay in to next year. It is hard to be “ready” for twins, we have no clue what to expect more than very little sleep ?

Today we put up the bed, babynest and washed the bedding. Most things we have is from Petit, the simple reason is that we think it is all beautiful and we know the good quality of the products. With these babies we are trying to have them mostly around pure produced products, so far all clothing, the bedding and babynest is made from organic cotton. Not only do I love the feeling and look of pure materials, one reason for organic is also that our babies are very likely to be born premature with a low immune system and to have them around organic products minimizes the risks of skin irritations and allergies. There is so much coloring, glue and chemicals in none organic products and the skin is the body’s biggest organ that absorbs very much into our system.



My Baby Shower

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6 Skilaboð

  1. bryndis

    6. December 2016

    very beautiful! where is the bed from ?

    • Linnea

      7. December 2016

      Thank you 💕 The bed is from sebra called killi and Epal sells them in Iceland.

    • Linnea

      7. December 2016

      Tack <3

  2. Ana

    7. December 2016

    They’ll be fine, try not to be so perfectionist about everything being 100%organic and so on. I know we always want to offer the best possible thing to our children but you shouldn’t get too worked up about it either, you’ll see that in a few months time you’ll be so exhausted that it will all seem too trivial.

    • Linnea

      7. December 2016

      Yes you are totally right, they will most likely be fine organic or not. I just love pure materials and I know it will last us longer, plus the good befits of no chemicals ;)