I have had a light-box craving for sometime and been looking to buy one from Sweden but they where soo expensive to get to Iceland. After a long search I was super happy to find a distributor that had some super awesome light-boxes we could buy in for the store. After a long wait again we finally received them last week, I thought I had ordered plenty of them..well I was so wrong. They sold out in two days (!) I apparently haven’t been the only one spotting this light-box trend and now we have ordered a hole bunch of them and they are expected to arrive again in September :D Yayyy!!
This is the light-box Petit.is will have in stock again in September. It comes in two sizes A4 & A5 including 85 letter so you can have the light-box saying anything you like.
Here are inspiration of how light-boxes can be used at home. The most famous light-box brand is called BXXLGHT and they are sold in my all time favorite store in Sweden – Artilleriet.
Skrifa Innlegg