
[ Rå oils ] – Icelandic pure facial oils


The other day I was invited for breakfast at Alena to see the new Icelandic skin care label –  [ Rå Oils ]

Frida & Elin have developed a skincare line with all pure natural facial and body oils for people with skin problems as acne etc.  Their products are made of high effective quality oils and their collection does now contain three different oils targeting different skin conditions, Acne therapy oil, Anti-aging oil and Dry skin therapy oil. Then they also have a all natural Rose water mist for refreshing and to set your make up.

I have big problems with try skin and I will try the Dry skin therapy oil to see if I can get rid off all my try spots in my face and hands. Then I also want to try the Anti-aging oil and all natural Rose water mist :) These oils are recommended to use instead of day or night cream.



Me and Co founder Frida








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  1. Frida

    9. June 2016

    Thank you for coming! Can’t wait to hear how you like the oils and mist <3