
Tomorrow they are coming!! 


Never during this whole pregnancy did I think we would get this far, tomorrow is our last day.. Now I am so far gone that we have a time to get “started” – Tomorrow morning at 08.00 🙉 

I have been 4cm dilated the whole weekend and nothing is happening so tomorrow they are being kicked out – literally. I am mentally preparing myself, trying to stay strong for myself and our boys. This is happening and we are now settled for a natural birth, some way they are coming out and I am going to be the best and strongest me that I can be tomorrow. I have prepared our home, all laundry is done and everything is neat and clean. This is a way for me to mentally prepare myself for tomorrow, I also took a long shower and tried to go over how I see the birth and try to visualize how I want it to go. I know there will be between six to eight people in the birth room when it is a twin birth and I will be highly monitored during the whole delivery, so I know I am in good hands and they will do what is best for me and the boys. 

Now I it is time for me to get some rest and try to not think at all – Tomorrow will change our life’s forever 💕 

Mother of Dragon's

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4 Skilaboð

  1. Anonymous

    30. January 2017

    Lycka till ?

  2. Anna

    30. January 2017

    What a challenge. I wish you all the best tomorrow <3

  3. Margret

    30. January 2017

    You are beautiful! All the best for tomorrow. :)