
Mother of Dragon’s


Our little dragon’s are expected any day ✊ This morning we had our last sonar and then meet with the birth doctor, I have started to “open” and we are now 4cm ready… That means tomorrow or this weekend hopefully 🙌 My birth fear is now over and I am so ready to see them 💕 

New In: Moses basket

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3 Skilaboð

  1. Arna

    25. January 2017

    Hvaðan er þessi dásamlega peysa?!

    Gangi þér vel á lokasprettinum ✌️

  2. Arna

    25. January 2017

    Oops my comment above was in Icelandic so here it is in English…
    Where is that lovely sweater from?
    And good luck on the last “meters” of the pregnancy ✌️

  3. Alda Ægisdottir

    28. January 2017

    Good luck :)