
Hej Trendnet !


I am very excited to be blogging here at Trendnet and I hope that you will find some inspiration and joy reading my posts.

I will start of with excusing myself that I am not yet able to write in Icelandic and my speaking skills are still very basic. I hope to be speaking and writing in the very near future. I believe in simple and significant and you wont find many long posts or massive texts here, my blogging style is mostly pictures with short explaining texts. If you will see a huge post from me, then I sure have a great story to tell you ;)

Here is 20 fast facts about me,
1. My full name is Anna Linnea Charlotte Ahle Claar.. and you thought Icelanders had long names ;)
2. Born in Sweden, exact a little town called Söderköping on the east cost of Sweden.
3. I am one of six siblings.
4. I have a restless soul and adventure is my high.
5. I never miss a opportunity, I try everything once. That also put me in crazy circumstances, so far I haven’t regret anything I done.
6. Lived in NYC when I was 18 to 21 years old.
7. I believe in hard work and humble people.
8. Got my first job when I was 14 years old. I started to work early because I wanted to buy a Canada goose jacket, I worked every day in a pizzeria instead of going to school. I also had to take back my missed school years later in life, maybe this I regret a little.
9. I like material things but I learned it can’t buy me happiness.
10. I am not impressed by wealth.
11. Participated in a Swedish reality show 2010. Couldn’t stand seeing myself on TV.
12. Been working with TV productions as Idol Sweden 2011 and commercials for Volvo cars.
13. Been together with my Icelandic hunk for seven years, he played football in Sweden when we meet.
14. We have two girls that we love more than anything, Nova our french bulldog and our daughter Þóra Lóa, born 09.05.2013
15. I got pregnant four days after we moved to Iceland. Then we couldn’t find what we were longing to buy for our baby, so we opened a online store 01.08.2013 with Scandinavian kids brands that wasn’t already in Iceland – www.Petit.is
17. I learned fast not let the Icelandic weather effect me and find other things to be passionate about.
18. My passion now is Coffee and Flowers.
19. I always have a project to keep me busy.
20. I am very excited to be blogging at Trendnet and hope to bring you some good inspiration.


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Lots of Love


Skrifa Innlegg

Hætta við svar

5 Skilaboð

  1. Kusin Anna

    24. April 2015

    Heja dig

  2. Gréta

    24. April 2015

    Duglega og Yndislega vinkona mín!

    • Linnea

      25. April 2015


  3. Elísabet Gunnars

    25. April 2015

    Heja fina du! Ser framemot att följa bloggen. :)

    • Linnea

      25. April 2015

      Tack Fina, detta är så spännande ;)