Today we are 28weeks – meet my midwife and she measured my bump, the same size now as when I was 35 weeks with Þóra Lóa, this is getting close and I am a little nervous about the birth to be honest. My birth story with Þóra was not drama free and after giving birth to her completely natural my placenta did not come out in one piece and I had to go into emergency operation. I lost half of my blood in 10min and was completely put down to sleep for the operation. After the operation I woke up in another house, no baby and no Gunnar, It was a nightmare because I know I just gave birth and then they where not there. The reason why I decided to give birth naturally with Þóra was so I could completely be in the moment the minutes after she arrived and enjoy every second with her, then everything I did not want to happen did. So with that in my back I am not sure if I am ready to try to give birth to them natural, also because this is a twin birth and that there can be a emergency cesarean on the second baby and I again will be put down completely. Maybe it is just more relaxing knowing that we will have a planned cesarean and I will be awake the whole time, but then again the recovery of a cesarean is not easy. I haven’t decided on this yet and next week we are meeting a birth doctor to see what she says.
I would love to hear your birth story if you would like to share it with me in the comment filed :)
Skrifa Innlegg