


We just got back from our Amsterdam trip and we had the best time.

Just me and Gunni and just enjoying the two of us, in our “everyday life” we forget a little bit about etch other. Don’t get me wrong we are a great team together, but sometimes we take “the team” for granted. Because we work together every day with our company and we have a child together most of our conversations is about our “team work” the things we run together to make it work. It was so nice to just be us and we bicycled all over Amsterdam, this was my first time in Amsterdam and I loved the city. For me vacations don’t always need to be warm. I just want a lot of culture, nice boutiques, good coffee and beautiful surroundings. We stayed four nights in a very nice hotel in a part of Amsterdam called Jordan, a more quiet and sophisticated area. Everything is so close it was only 10min on the bike and a hole new scene appear so it doesn’t really matter where in Amsterdam the hotel is located. We also did some shopping and this time we decided to go for quality instead of quantity, it so often happens that we go crazy in H&M because of the prices and end up with one suit case of only H&M, but then the clothing will only last us for 6 months. This time we decided two only buy few items in really good quality, that will stay nice for a much longer time. My favorite area was called “De 9”, it was nine streets with a lot of cute restaurants and boutiques, I could just walk around there the hole days.




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Dream Home vol.1

Skrifa Innlegg

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Skilaboð 1

  1. Halla

    2. November 2015

    Holland er dásamlegt land.