
Swedish Midsummer.


I didn’t have the time to give you a new update for Spain, I got very sick right before we went home to Iceland and have been sick for a week now. But our trip was well needed and we had a great time enjoying the sun.

Tomorrow I am flying myself to Sweden to surprise one of my best-friends on her wedding party, she doesn’t know that I will be attending and it is fine that I write it her bc she doesn’t use a computer or smartphone ;) So this wont spoil it. It is also Midsummer tomorrow in Sweden and I will be having Trendnets Snap –> Trendnetis over the weekend to show you all the celebrations. We have a traditional Swedish summer house in the Archipelago and there are tons of partying and boating around this weekend !


Here are some pictures from Midsummer 2013, the year our Þóra Lóa was born.

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See you on Trendnets Snap tomorrow –> Trendnetis



Hola from Spain

Skrifa Innlegg

Skilaboð 1