Garden pool ? 


We had some amazing summer days in the beginning of the week and in our garden it was almost unbearable hot. Þóra was crying to go to the “sundlaug” but I was alone with the kids and cant take her when I also have the boys so I decided I needed to get a pool for her here at home. I took my little gang and we went to three shops before we found the right size pool, the things I do for her ? and that was nothing then I needed to blow up this thing and fill it ? we dont have any garden hose yet so I had to run with buckets of water from the bathroom out in the garden, it took me 30min and about 40 rounds of buckets before the water level was enough to play in… Shit this was exhausting! It was probably less work to just take her to the Sundlaug ? 

It was so worth me been exhausted when I saw how happy she was in her pool and we invited her cousins to join ?

I bought the pool in Rumfatalagerinn for 3.990kr. Highly recommend to buy a electronic pump ? 

iittala Summer Table

Skrifa Innlegg