Essie Spring 2016 Collection


Spring is my time of the year, the brighter days and the excitement for summer is a magic combination. It is the time when I wear sneakers, ripped jeans and light coats but no spring look is complete without light spring colors on my nails. Essie´s Spring 2016 collection feels and look like spring, the collection is in six shades to fit with any outfit.  My two favorites are “High Class Affair” and “Lounge Lover”, I am a sucker for pastel pink and nude shades.



This collection will start selling in Iceland next week


I am wearing “High Class Affair” a neutral nude peach creme color and then I topped of with Essies mat finish coat.


I cant wait to try the rest of the collection, next on my list is “Pool side service”.  All the shades are glossy, have the amazing wide brush that makes painting your nails easy and are also less prone to chipping. I always find that Essie shades last longer on my nails than many other polish.

Whats is your favorite color in the collection?





*The nail polish was gifted to me for review purposes.

She is my Angel now..

Skrifa Innlegg

2 Skilaboð

  1. Ylfa Grönvold

    10. May 2016

    it’s beautiful! Essie polishes are my favorite <3 but I spy a potted hydrangea in the background, I got one two days ago and this morning it was very much dying :( can you manage to make them live indoors?

    • Linnea

      11. May 2016

      Hi Ylfa, Thank you for your comment, the hydrangea are not a big fan of to much sun or to warm temp. I have mine on a sunny table but no direct sun. I also planted mine in a bigger pot and water it every other day, but just a little. Mine is still very happy and I had it indoor for three weeks, I know some people have their on the balcony if it is not to cold outside for a while to make them survive. But I think the main thing is to not have them in direct sun and not to over water them :)