
2016 Planner


Screen Shot 2016-01-08 at 13.51.06I have been obsessed with Rifle Paper Co since I first saw the brand in New York 2008. There is not one item I don’t like in their catalog, everything from them is so perfectly made.

I am the type of person that wont remember anything without my daily planner, it is very important for me to have a good one that has good over view of the full week and looks good everyday when I take it up from my purse. I was happy when Rifle Paper Co released their daily pocket planners, and they where of course the most beautiful planners I have ever seen. I just had to take them in to our store and let more people than me discover this beautiful brand, Erna Hrund got her self a planner in September last year and you can read her review here.


The daily pocket planners are available in two colors, black or blue and you can find them – Here




Home for the Holidays

Skrifa Innlegg

Skilaboð 1

  1. Guðrún Valdimarsdóttir

    8. January 2016

    Já þetta eru svo ótrúlega fallegar bækur og vörur hjá þeim! Gaman að sjá að þær séu til hér á landi, ég er búin að fylgjast með þeim í nokkur ár en aldrei haft mig í það að panta frá þeim að utan þótt ég hafi oft pælt í því.