
Our XMas


For me Icelandic Christmas starts really late, in Sweden we are up early for breakfast (opening one gift), then Christmas lunch buffet after that coffee and traditional Donald Duck on tv, then comes Santa Claus with all gifts and then dinner. It is a full day of food and gifts. Here our Christmas doesn’t really start until 17.00 when we go to my parent’s in law and eat and then later open gifts. So our little family add some Swedish traditions on top of the Icelandic to fill out our day. We woke up late and had a big brunch with all sorts of good morning food and then we tune in to SVT (Swedish television) and watched “Kalle Anka” (Donald duck) with our coffee. I also made some Swedish chocolate truffles with raspberry taste. After that we went out on the sleigh and then church before dinner at Gunnars parents.

Þóra loves watching Swedish traditional Kalle Anka.

My home made chocolate truffles was a success.

Super pregnant in week 33 now ?

Our two little boys on the way also got a gift this year. Baby’s first book from DesignLetters.

Giving the birds bread on our balcony.

I hope you all had a beautiful day yesterday and I wish you a happy New Year ✨



Last minute wrapping

Skrifa Innlegg

Skilaboð 1

  1. Sólveig

    26. December 2016

    Va roligt att höra om eran jul, vi kommer från island men bor i Stockholm och har börjat dra in lite svenska traditioner vårt firande, som att titta på Kalle Anka och börja lite tidigare på dagen med själva maten. Hoppas ni har en glad jul.