
Pattra S.


New closet member

COUPLE of weeks ago the lovely people at Brashy Couture sent me a package… I was thrilled, my very first package since I started blogging. Thank you guys for liking my blog enough to send me T-shirts I’m so pleased with them! I wore the cropped one at Way out West music fest and it sure caught people’s eyes I’ve actually been using it a lot, love it!
Haven’t used the other one yet but you lovelies are gonna be the first one to know!! Needless to say I sure hope for more packages in the future…
-Stay real! And thank you at Brashy again.



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5 Skilaboð

  1. Anonymous

    30. August 2010

    Very cute:)

  2. Anonymous

    30. August 2010

    Flottar leðurstuttbuxurnar sem þú ert í, hvaðan eru þær?

  3. Pattra Sriyanonge

    30. August 2010

    Takk;) Þær eru second hand, ég klippti þær voru áður síðar, ætla að blogga betur um þær later;)

    xo -P

  4. Anonymous

    31. August 2010

    Love the outfit:)

  5. Anonymous

    10. September 2010

    Ég vona að þetta verði ekki að svona plöggbloggi eins og pjattrófubloggið er……bara skrifa um það sem þér finnst flott og þá erum við góð;)