Pattra S.


New closet member

I HAVE a love&hate relationship with ”sales” mainly hate though! Who haven’t ” accidentally” come home with an on sales garment or two ( or ten) and never ever use it and in the end you sell it at the flea market for a joke prize ..SAD! I have even post a blog about this subject before and thankfully I’m getting a lot wiser ON NOT BUYING CRAP! How ever they are like this huge sales here right now and YES I’m staying strong, so far I bought this sequins details jacket at H&M that I’ve all ready spotted last month and it was for 499,-sek…I got it for 150,-sek….I KNOW! And a cute headband for 10,-sek.
The best part is that I have all ready use em’ out for dinner, lets hope that they will not end up at the flea market 8)



Skrifa Innlegg

7 Skilaboð

  1. Anonymous

    22. April 2010

    i really enjoy reading your blogs:).. ur a true fashionista. What about blogging on how u do ur make up?

    Keep it up :)

  2. Anonymous

    22. April 2010

    Sammála síðasta ræðumanni, væri til í smá meiköpp tips líka;)
    Annars elska bloggið þitt!

  3. Anonymous

    23. April 2010

    sæta stelpa;)

  4. Anonymous

    25. April 2010

    Þú ert alltaf lang sætust..Kv. Emmi!!

  5. KolbrúnGunnars

    3. May 2010

    Geeðveikt headbandið og jakkinn! frábært blogg hjá þér :) er klárlega búin að skoða það inn og út eftir að ég rakst á það
    Kolbrún –