Pattra S.



Strutting down flea market it Barcelona in Vintage maxi number, River Island belt, Bag&Ring from H&M, Scarf used as a headband & Sunnies: Vintage.

H&M fashion against aids dress, loving the cut outs and the shoulder pads, paired with bright yellow earrings also from H&M.

In Copenhagen waring a vintage blazer, shorts from Gina Tricot, pantyhose from Lindex, Wedge-Scorett.

KILL me softly you guys!! I’m so SORRY for disappearing like a ghost but luck is definitely not on my size these past weeks. Well my virus ass computer is indeed DEAD and the attempt to rescue it failed horribly , long story short I’ve been without a computer for almost two months now, can you believe it?? Hopefully I will be a proud owner of a brand new and dandy one by the end of this weekend and then I’m gonna be one blog crazy b****

These photos are from my little trip with my b-friend the other day, an awesome getaway to Barcelona with a little visit to Copenhagen and btw Barcelona is my new fave city of the moment…

AGAIN Sssooo SORRY my beloved readers, when I get my hands on my new computer, O MAN I am SO gonna make it up to you all, because you know what… My camera is full of juicy outfits just dying to be shared…




Skrifa Innlegg

8 Skilaboð

  1. Anonymous

    24. June 2010

    Please keep it coming, loving your blog and have been missing it a lot.


  2. Margrét

    25. June 2010

    Barcelona er best! Ég bíð spennt eftir fleiri bloggum ;)

  3. Sara

    25. June 2010

    Velkomin aftur, hlakka til að sjá fleiri blogg ;)

  4. alda

    25. June 2010


  5. Erla Vinsý.

    25. June 2010

    Gott að fá þig aftur elskan! Miss you <3

  6. Ásdís Svava

    25. June 2010

    Jeiiii :) Veit ekki hvað ég var búin að kíkja oft hingað inn og alltaf sama gamla færslan. Hlakka til að sjá meira. Knús í kaf;**

  7. Ásdís Svava

    25. June 2010

    Hahaha, hversu fyndið samt, ég hef alveg nokkrum sinnum skrifað komment á fan síðuna á fb.. og held það sé ÉG að skrifa, neinei, þá er eins og Pattra's closet sé að skrifa :) haha

  8. Anonymous

    26. June 2010

    Elska galladressið=)