
Pattra S.


New closet member

Myrorna second hand Leo belt and hat.

H&M 99,-sek

Monki sales, 80,-sek

Monki sales, 60,-sek
Monki sales, 60,-sek
Myrorna second hand
H&M 199,-/249,-sek

Two days of great shopping. They are so many many beautiful things in H&M right now its difficult to walk in there. Love the fringe necklace and the faux leather skirt fits so well. I’m going to be able to use the see-thru striped sweater in so many ways.

Those garments from Monki were on super sales, love it! The dark peach dress is gonna be waiting for me when spring arrives I’m going to wear it without being skanky somehow. Love the white shirt!

The hat from Myrorna fits me perfectly and the leo belt is a gem!


Skrifa Innlegg

5 Skilaboð

  1. Erla Vinsý.

    29. January 2011

    Ég er að elska pilsið, skyrtuna og beltið! Alveg upphálds!

    Langar að komast út að versla:)


  2. Pattra Sriyanonge

    29. January 2011

    Já koddu koddu, Göteborg og ég já og líka Emmi bíðum þín:)

  3. Anonymous

    29. January 2011

    Jesús góð kaup!!

  4. Erla Vinsý.

    30. January 2011

    Já ætla að koma í sumar… alveg klárlega!

    Gengur ekki lengur að vera ekki búin að kíkja á ykkur hjú:)