
Pattra S.


Just Me

FAKKKKK!! Was browsing around today and came across this lovely lady’s blog, and guess what its called?!!…..karla’s freakin‘ CLOSETDAANNNG!! Silly feeling just drained over me, why didn’t I think this through. Man, I sure don’t wanna have my blog’s name as same as someone else, she would probably be annoyed if she saw my blog. But as I was thinking about it today and this kind of a blog title must be really popular, I mean if u gonna write about your style or fashion on the other hand it fits so well. They are probably bunch of people out there with the same shit. But I feel so bad though, so SORRY Karla!! Her blog is extremely FAB BTW!
BUT should I change mine? What do u reckon’?



Skrifa Innlegg

Skilaboð 1

  1. Erla Vinsý.

    8. March 2010

    Neeei ekki breyta, þetta er awsome!:)