
Pattra S.


My closet

THE day before NYE me and my partner took a long wonderful walk exploring lovely Göteborg.
The weather was beautiful and mysterious..
Elmar took some amazing photos of me in that dress from Zara.. I mean he is not exactly the best photographer in the world but this time around I had to give it to him!

Happy friday y’all!!




Skrifa Innlegg

3 Skilaboð

  1. Erla Vinsý.

    7. January 2012

    Emmi er bara rosa góður ljósmyndari sýnist mér, enda með besta módelið! Gautaborgin er falleg:)

  2. Pattra Sriyanonge

    8. January 2012

    Hann er allur að koma elsku kallinn:)
    Það er svo notalegt að taka göngutúr í Göte, u know it luv:*

  3. Saga

    10. January 2012

    þú ert nú einum of mikil pæja!!!!! mega babe xx