Pattra S.


New closet member

I’VE been little under the weather these couple of days but since I never really get sick I refuse to be!
Soo.. CPH was great as usual even though we didn’t stay at hotel Fox as planned, they were overbooked(story of our lives!) But hear this… we were moved to a different 4 stars hotel near by and they were pretty much packed as well so they were forced to give us their 2 floors suite instead of a regular double room. I can honestly say that we were the happiest camper ever!

But on to the next. Bought this camel coat in a random store in Camden and its one of my favorite jacket at the moment. Its so deliciously warm and I got it for only 29 pounds, super!
Photos from London//CPH.



Skrifa Innlegg

Skilaboð 1

  1. Anonymous

    7. April 2011

    Geðveikur jakki skvísan þín