
Pattra S.


New closet member

BAHHH my computer just went DEAD on me, story of my life! So I’m using Annetta’s. Anyways, when you live abroad and have your (girl) friends visiting, its kinda goes hand in hand with shopping. SHOPPING EVERY FREAKING SINGLE DAY. Well in her case anyways. I’ve been more like walking besides her looking at all the pretty things and crying inside. I have off course shared with you new members of my closet but today was truly my lucky day. Remember when I was talking about these boots from Zara. Finally got em’ today and for 499,-sek instead of 799,-… Ain’t hating that at all.



Skrifa Innlegg

2 Skilaboð

  1. Anonymous

    1. May 2010

    lucky girl!

  2. Hugrún

    6. May 2010

    ohh! var einmitt að skoða myndir af þessum skóm í gærkveldi.. langar svo að eignast þá! lucky you