
Pattra S.


My closet

Anchor top: Topshop Skirt: H&M Belt: Liz Claiborne Scarf:H&M, Vintage navy coat.

HAVE I told u guys that I’m a sucker for the sailor trend? Well I-am-big-time. I love sailor stripes, sailor shorts, those FAB blazers, chains chains chains, navy blue and I don’t know why but I have a HUGE thing for anchors!!! True story, just LOVE ’em like mad, I was even thinking about having an achor tattoo!! Too much??
Strolled down the street this evening, on my way to meet friends for dinner and did a little window shopping on the way and saw this lovely H&M window from THE BLUE collection, and they are sailing all right!



Skrifa Innlegg

3 Skilaboð

  1. Anonymous

    9. March 2010

    Er einhver séna að þú týmir að setja mynd af tattoo hringnum þínum? :) langar svo að sjá hvað hann er fallegur.

    takk fyrir æðislegt blogg! X

  2. Anonymous

    9. March 2010

    Ég er algjör sailor-lover líka!
    Þér tekst vel til hér ;)

    Karen Lind

  3. Anonymous

    15. March 2010

    So cute, love your blog keep it up;)