
Pattra S.


My closet

I’M back home in Göteborg and let me tell you, its absolutely freeezing! Thankfully my mother-in law gave me an early x-mas gift and it was a pair of UGG. I couldn’t be more happy with them, I’ve basically been living ’em, inside and outside, u name it, I don’t care if I look like an L or an eskimo, it is like walking on clouds. And have I told ya..its SO cold!
These days you can’t really go outside without… fur-vintage(rokk&rósir) ear band-Bik bok, gloves-H&M.

On the other hand….Ta daa! Just got this baby yesterday, what a vision! But I’m still getting a hang of it.
Now I can really get on with my blogging, finally.


Skrifa Innlegg

8 Skilaboð

  1. Sara

    3. December 2010

    Awesome pels og tölva:)

  2. Erla Vinsý.

    4. December 2010

    Maccarnir eru klárlega bestir, til hamingju með tölvuna :)

  3. Anonymous

    4. December 2010

    ég er ennþá ekki viss með þessa mac tölvu!!!:P hehe..


  4. Anonymous

    4. December 2010

    could you please tell me what your type of ugg is called, i really like them but i cant see them on their website, thank you!

  5. Anonymous

    5. December 2010

    cute earband

  6. Pattra Sriyanonge

    6. December 2010

    SURE! Its a Black UGG Bailey Button, the classic short!
    They are fantastic!!

    Ástin mín, þú elskar maccan I know it;)* Algjör snilld!

  7. Anonymous

    7. December 2010

    Fólk sem segir að UGG sé ljótt á ekki UGG! Þeir eru langbestir í heiminum :)


  8. Pattra Sriyanonge

    8. December 2010

    NKL:) Og það fólk hafa ekki kynnst alvöru kulda! Ég verð að viðurkenna að ég var ekkert BIG FAN til að byrja með en nú er ég aldeileis búin að snúa við blaðinu!!