Pattra S.


Longing for
YESTERDAY I FELL in love with this jeans/leather jacket from H&M‘s ”The girl with the dragon tattoo” collection by Tris Summerville.
And that bright blue little number ain’t to shabby either. Aaarg so many pretty pretty things!



Skrifa Innlegg

6 Skilaboð

  1. Anonymous

    18. December 2011

    Wow that jacket is AMAZING. Do you know if it is expected in H&M outside of Sweden? Would love to get my hands on one of those babys ;)

  2. Pattra Sriyanonge

    19. December 2011

    YES isn't it!! But I'm not sure.. It seems to be soldout on the webshop though…

  3. Anonymous

    20. December 2011

    Hey what about these shorts are they leather and from H&M as well? Lina

  4. Pattra Sriyanonge

    20. December 2011

    H&M yes but fake leather I'm afraid..

    Þessi jakki er mega snilld!!

  5. Guðbjörg Lára

    20. December 2011

    Þessi jakki kom líka til Þýskalands, þannig að hann hefur farið út fyrir Svíþjóð :)