Pattra S.

FAV Jeffrey Campbell

Longing for
FAV Jeffrey Campbell

FAV Jeffrey Campbell by

ALL fashionistas are probably familiar with Jeffrey Campbell by now. How can they not? These shoes are totally fabulous, more then fab really, they are off the hook, right?? These 7 are my favorites at the moment, but it so freaking difficult to choose from a pile of awesomeness!! You ladies in Iceland must be peeing your pants right now with joy since Einvera, one of my favorite store in Iceland are having them in store right about now, congrats**



Skrifa Innlegg

4 Skilaboð

  1. Anonymous

    9. September 2010

    Þeir eru geggjaðir:þ

  2. Anonymous

    10. September 2010

    Þessir skór eru geðveikir!

    En takk fyrir upplýsingarnar um second hand búðirnar í NY. Á pott þétt eftir að kíkja á þær :)

  3. Edda

    10. September 2010

    Mig langar í!!!!!

  4. Pattra Sriyanonge

    13. September 2010

    Minnsta málið;) Vona að þú finnir þér eitthvað fallegt;) GÓÐAgóða skemmtun;);)