Pattra S.

Blog crush


I have a blog crush on Elin Kling, she is a fashionista and she is kinda does it all type of gal here in Sweden and I came across her web side when I moved out here at I love love love her style, its pretty similar to mine….. chic, glamorous and the most impornant rock&roll.


Ringing in 2010

Skrifa Innlegg

3 Skilaboð

  1. Sofie

    31. January 2010

    I have a crush on Elin Kling, too. She´s awesome, but what I think is so so so worth to mention is that your style is dead on and you seriously inspire me to dress up more and be more edgy.
    Love your new blog, best of luck and hey let´s keep this new years resolution of ours trying not to wear only black haha.
    Thanks again for an awesome weekend!!!!

  2. Annetta

    31. January 2010

    Love love love it !! Gaman að þú sért komin með blogg svo maður geti fylgst enn meira með þér ;)
    hlakka ótrúlega til að kíkja í heimsókn :)

  3. Pattra's closet

    31. January 2010

    Thank you for being such a good friends u guys;)
    Sofie, its sooo on, we'll make it happened!
    This weekend was the best!

    Annetta mín hlakka hlakka til, jahá það var nú about time að ég lét vaða, verður skemmtilegt að dúnda mér við þetta for sure;)